Hmm...I am up early this morning and catching up on a few PBS cooking shows that I had had recorded on our computer. Something occurred to me. I can watch a great simple recipe being made and then try to replicate and end up with problems that really end up due to technique. This is something I'm trying to pay more attention to now so that I can know the little tips and tricks to actually have food brown properly, for example.
Here's an example of what occurred to has to do with using cast iron or enameled cast iron in cooking. And no, it's not that fact that shows always show immaculate cookware that seems to be new out of the box every time. Sigh...that seems kind of fun though. Anyway, if you've tried cooking with cast iron you'll know that it takes it longer to heat up and once it does the heat is retained much longer than most other skillets, pots etc. You may have also noticed that getting the right temperature can be tricky which I believe has to do with how long it takes to heat up or cool down.
In watching numerous types of cooking shows (despite not having cable or satellite TV) I have noticed a common thread. They always cook on gas stoves. Oh, you've noticed it too? That happens to work great for me as I do own a gas stove and really hope to never be without one! (However, it does make me wonder how people adjust with electric stoves.) What I have yet to see though, is someone explain and show how high the flames should be at different temperature recommendations when they are cooking. Ok, I do realize that the knobs say Hi and Lo and have various points in between to choose from. Yet, when I cook I notice that the flame variations just aren't as simple. If I go too far on the knob I end up heating cast iron so high that while the first batch of browning meat, for example, may be fine, the second begins to get burned and all my great browned bits in the pan turn to black before getting a second batch down. Have you noticed this too? I'd love to hear someone's thoughts about how get the flames to the right heat to begin with. Perhaps it's a trick to heat up and then reduce heat just a little after starting the cooking process? Hmmm....
What I've done to compensate when this happens is to make sure the second batch begins where there was no meat prior and is thus almost surely to burn soon. I move the food a bit at first to pick up the bits there and then situate to brown. I know this isn't technically proper as the food should just be set on the hot oil or butter and not moved in order to get a nice caramelization. (Is that a word?)
I love cast iron and enameled cast iron and will continue to perfect my technique to get proper temperatures. It may just be one of those things that you have to practice and practice. Here's to happy cooking with cast iron!
Cutest Blog Template
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Book Review : same kind of different As me. / Ron Hall & Denver Moore with Lynn Vincent
"Because life is messy and imperfect - but HE isn't"
"Because life is messy and imperfect - but HE isn't"
Friday, July 30, 2010
25 Random Things About Me
These were originally posted on Facebook about a year and a half ago...It seems there are a lot of things in life that I thought couldn't or wouldn't happen...and then they did. Do you think God knows some things I don't? OK, maybe like EVERYTHING!
1. I never wanted any pets, ever. Somehow I ended up being the one to run out and pick out our dog Roxie. I even left church early and drove an hour away! Then, I had to get chickens! We lost one of them to our neighbors dog, but we currently have seven running around our yard. Hoping to have eggs in just a few weeks. Roxie does amazingly well with the chickens too!
2. Growing up I hated going to the garden to help my dad. It mostly meant pulling weeds! Now, I am enjoying the planning of my own garden. So far it’s mostly been container gardening, but I’m hoping to branch out to raised bed square-foot methods this year…if only I can keep the chickens from using the dirt for a dirt bath.
3. I never thought I’d live long enough to get married, let alone have children. I’m about to celebrate my 11th wedding anniversary and we have five children! Isn’t God amazing!?
4. My personality is one that loves quiet and peacefulness. Chaos and clutter drive me CRAZY!! Boy, has God been growing me in this area! Somehow I have five children, I homeschool them, I work with lots of people through the ministry and we frequently have guests over to the house, and even teens once a month. J
5. I learned a lot about how to behave in a professional manner by seeing my dad interact with clients growing up. His office was in our home for many years and I learned by observing. (Wonder if he knew? Wonder how much, and what things, my kids pick up from observing me!?)
6. I remember playing kickball in the back yard. It was the best and I was never picked last. J
7. Growing up I played or participated in at some point; softball, basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, canoe racing, golfing, gymnastics, ballet/tap/jazz, swimming, tennis lessons….and I don’t even like sports! (Though I did enjoy gymnastics and dance for a little while, and swimming while I could.)
8. I had more than one boyfriend tell me that they would never leave me and that anyone who did was a fool, then they left. Hmmm….
9. My husband tells me he loves me at LEAST 10 times a day. If I don’t remember to give him a hug, often enough, he stops me by staring until I do.
10. The first thing I want in the morning is a fresh hot cup of black coffee. (Sweet coffee would make me sick in the morning!)
11. I was a single mom with two kids from two different dads and was sure I would never find ANYone would want me as a wife, help me raise my boys and love me the way I longed for. It wasn’t until I gave my life COMPLETELY over to God’s hands and control rather than my own did my life start to change dramatically. I truly was satisfied in the Lord, then he blessed me abundantly and I met a wonderful man who loved the Lord and would stay. J
12. As soon as my head clears up from this fog…(mom’s of multiple small children know what I mean)…I will start writing again, and hopefully finish several books! (regardless of whether or not anyone else reads them)
13. I wish I had another daughter. We casually have discussed adoption someday. We’ll see what God has for us in the future…
14. I prayed that my last child would be another girl, so Liana would have a close sister. I also prayed for a very CALM and EASY baby. Wooaaahhhhh….God has a sense of humor, and he definitely knows better than I do. I couldn’t love Riley any more than I do. He is so much fun and so cuddly…but…just look for the Jungle Baby video in my posted items if you haven’t already seen the video clip.
15. After years of struggles personally and as a single mom, then just being a mom, and also a homeschooling parent, I have realized that the hardest things in life are the most rewarding.
16. I wish Daimeian’s mom had a chance to see the man he turned into, and I wish I’d had a chance to meet her.
17. I love to cook and bake…but only because I really want to eat something good and because I enjoy serving my family and friends.
18. I used to have this skinny little (12yo?) girl that came over to my apartment in MN all the time. She’d play with Tyler, dance and bounce and laugh and talk, talk, talk, talk. Now I have a 12 yo son to do all that for me, except he plays with Liana and Riley. J
19. I wish cheese wasn’t so high in fat! I LOVE almost all kinds of cheese.
20. It was really nice when the EPP team at Dell got an ice cream cake for my birthday. However, there isn’t much I just really don’t like, but mint chocolate chip ice cream is one of them!
21. I started having plant based allergy problems with bananas, cantaloupe, some avocados and other raw fruits and veggies AFTER Riley was born.
22. I’ve tried allergy shots twice for well over 2 years each, and they didn’t help me.
23. I’m hoping to move back to MN someday. Although, I do wonder if I’m completely crazy when I hear HOW cold it is there this winter!
24. For some reason, I suddenly remember my friend Kristine and how she got bit by a squirrel. To hear her tell the story will make you laugh ‘till you cry.
25. One of the things I would most love to do would be to sit in a cool room with warm clothes by a desk (in a CLEAN and QUIET ROOM and HOUSE) with a fresh cup of coffee, rain hitting the windows or snow falling outside, and me reading a book or writing something. (Maybe Daimeian could praise and worship songs in the background….)
1. I never wanted any pets, ever. Somehow I ended up being the one to run out and pick out our dog Roxie. I even left church early and drove an hour away! Then, I had to get chickens! We lost one of them to our neighbors dog, but we currently have seven running around our yard. Hoping to have eggs in just a few weeks. Roxie does amazingly well with the chickens too!
2. Growing up I hated going to the garden to help my dad. It mostly meant pulling weeds! Now, I am enjoying the planning of my own garden. So far it’s mostly been container gardening, but I’m hoping to branch out to raised bed square-foot methods this year…if only I can keep the chickens from using the dirt for a dirt bath.
3. I never thought I’d live long enough to get married, let alone have children. I’m about to celebrate my 11th wedding anniversary and we have five children! Isn’t God amazing!?
4. My personality is one that loves quiet and peacefulness. Chaos and clutter drive me CRAZY!! Boy, has God been growing me in this area! Somehow I have five children, I homeschool them, I work with lots of people through the ministry and we frequently have guests over to the house, and even teens once a month. J
5. I learned a lot about how to behave in a professional manner by seeing my dad interact with clients growing up. His office was in our home for many years and I learned by observing. (Wonder if he knew? Wonder how much, and what things, my kids pick up from observing me!?)
6. I remember playing kickball in the back yard. It was the best and I was never picked last. J
7. Growing up I played or participated in at some point; softball, basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, canoe racing, golfing, gymnastics, ballet/tap/jazz, swimming, tennis lessons….and I don’t even like sports! (Though I did enjoy gymnastics and dance for a little while, and swimming while I could.)
8. I had more than one boyfriend tell me that they would never leave me and that anyone who did was a fool, then they left. Hmmm….
9. My husband tells me he loves me at LEAST 10 times a day. If I don’t remember to give him a hug, often enough, he stops me by staring until I do.
10. The first thing I want in the morning is a fresh hot cup of black coffee. (Sweet coffee would make me sick in the morning!)
11. I was a single mom with two kids from two different dads and was sure I would never find ANYone would want me as a wife, help me raise my boys and love me the way I longed for. It wasn’t until I gave my life COMPLETELY over to God’s hands and control rather than my own did my life start to change dramatically. I truly was satisfied in the Lord, then he blessed me abundantly and I met a wonderful man who loved the Lord and would stay. J
12. As soon as my head clears up from this fog…(mom’s of multiple small children know what I mean)…I will start writing again, and hopefully finish several books! (regardless of whether or not anyone else reads them)
13. I wish I had another daughter. We casually have discussed adoption someday. We’ll see what God has for us in the future…
14. I prayed that my last child would be another girl, so Liana would have a close sister. I also prayed for a very CALM and EASY baby. Wooaaahhhhh….God has a sense of humor, and he definitely knows better than I do. I couldn’t love Riley any more than I do. He is so much fun and so cuddly…but…just look for the Jungle Baby video in my posted items if you haven’t already seen the video clip.
15. After years of struggles personally and as a single mom, then just being a mom, and also a homeschooling parent, I have realized that the hardest things in life are the most rewarding.
16. I wish Daimeian’s mom had a chance to see the man he turned into, and I wish I’d had a chance to meet her.
17. I love to cook and bake…but only because I really want to eat something good and because I enjoy serving my family and friends.
18. I used to have this skinny little (12yo?) girl that came over to my apartment in MN all the time. She’d play with Tyler, dance and bounce and laugh and talk, talk, talk, talk. Now I have a 12 yo son to do all that for me, except he plays with Liana and Riley. J
19. I wish cheese wasn’t so high in fat! I LOVE almost all kinds of cheese.
20. It was really nice when the EPP team at Dell got an ice cream cake for my birthday. However, there isn’t much I just really don’t like, but mint chocolate chip ice cream is one of them!
21. I started having plant based allergy problems with bananas, cantaloupe, some avocados and other raw fruits and veggies AFTER Riley was born.
22. I’ve tried allergy shots twice for well over 2 years each, and they didn’t help me.
23. I’m hoping to move back to MN someday. Although, I do wonder if I’m completely crazy when I hear HOW cold it is there this winter!
24. For some reason, I suddenly remember my friend Kristine and how she got bit by a squirrel. To hear her tell the story will make you laugh ‘till you cry.
25. One of the things I would most love to do would be to sit in a cool room with warm clothes by a desk (in a CLEAN and QUIET ROOM and HOUSE) with a fresh cup of coffee, rain hitting the windows or snow falling outside, and me reading a book or writing something. (Maybe Daimeian could praise and worship songs in the background….)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Working on my kitchen blog...
I'm really hoping to get in a better habit of blogging. I have this blog about all things going on at home, especially gardening, reading, homeschooling etc. I have a separate blog for recipes I am trying in the kitchen and what I am learning by way of healthier modifications. Summertime is a nice break from homeschooling to organize, prepare and try out new recipes! Recently we did Snickerdoodle Cupcakes with Seven Minute Frosting from Martha Stewart's Cupcake books. I have some Moosewood Restaurant cookbooks checked out from the library and tried the Lentil Soup, which I liked but the rest of the family didn't because it's made with . . . lentils. Sigh. There's one legume out of the picture in trying to find healthy beans and rice type of recipes. Oh well. Could be worse. :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Book Review : Never Let You Go by Erin Healy
If you like fiction, if you like mystery, if you have enjoyed fictional stories based on spiritual battles then a special welcome to Erin Healy’s first solo authored book, NEVER LET GO. Erin Healy has co-written two other books with my favorite author Ted Dekker. Her style is her own yet the suspense and twists will feel familiar to Dekker fans.
Lexi Solomon is a single mom struggling to make ends meet and is faced with tough decisions that could seriously affect her life and that of her daughter. Her troubles are familiar to many who have fought the road of parenting alone and to many who have fought demons of the past. Yet, there is an element that most of us don’t see as clearly as it is presented to Lexi. How will she handle it? Who will help her?
Ted Dekker is one of my all time favorite authors. His stories are quickly engaging and such page turners that you don’t want to stop. Most of them have a great deal of insight, plot twists and second level meanings that you could enjoy reading them again. NEVER LET GO is my first intro to Erin Healy and overall I really enjoyed the book and will likely buy more that she author’s. It wasn’t quite as engrossing as Dekker’s and it took me a little longer to really get to that “can’t put it down” phase, but still very good. However, once engrossed I really could not stop reading. There were several twists and exciting revelations that I really enjoyed.
Personally, I would have liked to have seen more depth in the spiritual aspect. In order to fight spiritual battles we need to have a firm grounding in the Lord and prayer and relationship with God is the key. There was such a light reference to anyone praying on her behalf that while I could feel some empathy for Lexi (mostly because I’ve been a single mom), I couldn’t feel a strong sense of the enemies defeat by calling upon the Lord for strength. I’m not sure if this was intentional in order to gain a larger reading audience, but I would commend anyone for standing stronger on the lines of direct references to the power of prayer and fellowship with the Lord and other believers. Frank Peretti’s THIS PRESENT DARKNESS and PIERCING THE DARKNESS are better examples of this.
Bottom line, I am glad to have another author along these lines of fiction to read.
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 [...] :
Lexi Solomon is a single mom struggling to make ends meet and is faced with tough decisions that could seriously affect her life and that of her daughter. Her troubles are familiar to many who have fought the road of parenting alone and to many who have fought demons of the past. Yet, there is an element that most of us don’t see as clearly as it is presented to Lexi. How will she handle it? Who will help her?
Ted Dekker is one of my all time favorite authors. His stories are quickly engaging and such page turners that you don’t want to stop. Most of them have a great deal of insight, plot twists and second level meanings that you could enjoy reading them again. NEVER LET GO is my first intro to Erin Healy and overall I really enjoyed the book and will likely buy more that she author’s. It wasn’t quite as engrossing as Dekker’s and it took me a little longer to really get to that “can’t put it down” phase, but still very good. However, once engrossed I really could not stop reading. There were several twists and exciting revelations that I really enjoyed.
Personally, I would have liked to have seen more depth in the spiritual aspect. In order to fight spiritual battles we need to have a firm grounding in the Lord and prayer and relationship with God is the key. There was such a light reference to anyone praying on her behalf that while I could feel some empathy for Lexi (mostly because I’ve been a single mom), I couldn’t feel a strong sense of the enemies defeat by calling upon the Lord for strength. I’m not sure if this was intentional in order to gain a larger reading audience, but I would commend anyone for standing stronger on the lines of direct references to the power of prayer and fellowship with the Lord and other believers. Frank Peretti’s THIS PRESENT DARKNESS and PIERCING THE DARKNESS are better examples of this.
Bottom line, I am glad to have another author along these lines of fiction to read.
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 [...] :
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Garden Summary 2008 - 2009
It seems like I'm always trying to learn more about something. Lately I've been pretty focused on learning more about gardening and yard care; gardening methods, gardening tips, landscape design, perennial plants that are drought hardy for the Texas area, and natural pest control. My goal is to garden and take care of our yard using natural and organic methods. I also want to provide our favorite veggies and herbs so that they will be on hand when I want to use them, they will taste better, they will be healthier for our family and eventually (after the initial cost to setup the garden) they will save us money at the grocery store.
I began my journey into gardening with several pots and my husband built up a retaining wall for a raised bed on either side of the sidewalk leading up to our house. I had great success with tomatoes, peppers, rosemary and mint in the raised beds and success in pots with basil, chives, rosemary and lemongrass. I've tried my hand at making our own earthbox. This method just didn't work. I may try it again with some amendments, but maybe only one box instead of several. Last year, I had slightly raised beds utilizing some wooden shelving that had been in our garage to hold videos. They made neat rows and gave me some structure to get started. Around this time my husband and our sons worked to build a fence around the garden area to keep out the chickens and to eventually provide a nice place to sit and enjoy the plants.
2008 Garden - Here are a few pics of the raised beds with the video shelves and plants in pots.
Homemade Earthbox type container. There is another bin under the soil. It is upside down with the top 2/3's cut off and holes drilled through. The center of the bin below is cut to fit a pond basket. The soil fills in the pond basket and is supposed to help wick the moisture to the roots. I followed online directions but did not have much success with the plants. May try again with better soil amendments. Then again, maybe not.
Slightly raised beds. These were set in the fall of 2008 but not truly implemented until 2009. The wood had been used for video shelves on the wall of our garage when our non-profit library was housed there. The soil here is a mix of compost (partially unfinished) and native soil. Plants in this mixture did pretty well. Would have been much better with a better regimen of fertilizing, mulching and watering. These are elements being implemented now, in addition to building greater soil and utilizing natural disease and insect cures/repellents.
First shot of the potted plants in 2008. Lantana and Basil.
I later learned how to properly care for basil, prune after every (or most) 2 sets of leaves on a stem. This way the basil grows bushy and large. Without the pruning it will get tall and spindly.
The Lantana did not survive the final shot of TX heat in this container. Will try again when I have a place to put on in the ground, or possibly another larger container.
Cilantro, sage, basil and Roma Tomatoes. After trying cilantro for a couple of years I found out that in needs to be planted in the fall. It is a cool season herb and will bolt when the heat hits. So...they sell it in the spring. Why? Things that make you go hmmm.....
This picture was taken in October. The basil got woody and the Roma's had hardly any fruit mature through the summer. I started too late for one thing. A week or so later my husband picked all the green tomatoes and they ripened in my window sill over the next few months. I was amazed at how long some of them lasted.
Lemongrass, more Roma Tomatoes and more basil. The Lemongrass died last fall or winter. I am hoping to get new transplants but missed the window for doing so this year.
Finally, the beginning of our compost piles. The cinder blocks are straighter now and are filled with dirt. Every year we get tomatoes that grow up all over the place. In the prepared beds where compost was used, in and around the compost pile and even in the cinder block holes or near by just coming up out of the ground.
Here are some cherry tomatoes that just grew up out of the ground near the compost pile, behind our shed. They got tall and were falling all over the place so we grabbed miscellaneous pies of wood and string to try and hold them all up. That didn't work too well but we had plenty of cherry tomatoes! We had also had a cantaloupe plant growing out of the compost. Unfortunately, the one melon we got from it was disgusting in taste.
2009 Garden - Tomato, cantaloupe and zucchini plants planted in the shelving raised beds. We had to try to keep our backyard chickens out of the veggies. They still got in as they pecked their way through the plastic and they ate up the melons, squashed and destroyed the plants and were an overall menace. The peppers last year gave me only a couple of very tiny rewards. Also, as you can see, Bermuda grass is a horrible weed. It is what our lawn is and it invades with a voracious appetite.
Most of this area got fenced in. It was a mess trying to find scraps to cover and kill the grass. However, in the back, along the fence, you can see several tomato plants along the fence. Lots of green but little to no fruit. What fruit we did get was eaten by birds.
NOTE: Plant tomatoes in FULL SUN. These were too shaded to produce fruit. I've experienced before so I don't know why I thought that location would work for them last year. Will not try that again.
Finally, my loving and darling husband worked with our wonderful sons to build this fence around the garden area to keep the chickens out. The door needed to be finished here and the taller segment will be part of what will be a covered sitting area. Unfortunately, we would later find out that the chickens would find a way in by getting under the shed. This led to another problem with them roaming all of our backyard. Just a couple months ago my husband penned them so we don't have that issue anymore. However, I do have a beautiful garden area to work with now!
I began my journey into gardening with several pots and my husband built up a retaining wall for a raised bed on either side of the sidewalk leading up to our house. I had great success with tomatoes, peppers, rosemary and mint in the raised beds and success in pots with basil, chives, rosemary and lemongrass. I've tried my hand at making our own earthbox. This method just didn't work. I may try it again with some amendments, but maybe only one box instead of several. Last year, I had slightly raised beds utilizing some wooden shelving that had been in our garage to hold videos. They made neat rows and gave me some structure to get started. Around this time my husband and our sons worked to build a fence around the garden area to keep out the chickens and to eventually provide a nice place to sit and enjoy the plants.
2008 Garden - Here are a few pics of the raised beds with the video shelves and plants in pots.
Homemade Earthbox type container. There is another bin under the soil. It is upside down with the top 2/3's cut off and holes drilled through. The center of the bin below is cut to fit a pond basket. The soil fills in the pond basket and is supposed to help wick the moisture to the roots. I followed online directions but did not have much success with the plants. May try again with better soil amendments. Then again, maybe not.
Slightly raised beds. These were set in the fall of 2008 but not truly implemented until 2009. The wood had been used for video shelves on the wall of our garage when our non-profit library was housed there. The soil here is a mix of compost (partially unfinished) and native soil. Plants in this mixture did pretty well. Would have been much better with a better regimen of fertilizing, mulching and watering. These are elements being implemented now, in addition to building greater soil and utilizing natural disease and insect cures/repellents.
First shot of the potted plants in 2008. Lantana and Basil.
I later learned how to properly care for basil, prune after every (or most) 2 sets of leaves on a stem. This way the basil grows bushy and large. Without the pruning it will get tall and spindly.
The Lantana did not survive the final shot of TX heat in this container. Will try again when I have a place to put on in the ground, or possibly another larger container.

This picture was taken in October. The basil got woody and the Roma's had hardly any fruit mature through the summer. I started too late for one thing. A week or so later my husband picked all the green tomatoes and they ripened in my window sill over the next few months. I was amazed at how long some of them lasted.

Finally, the beginning of our compost piles. The cinder blocks are straighter now and are filled with dirt. Every year we get tomatoes that grow up all over the place. In the prepared beds where compost was used, in and around the compost pile and even in the cinder block holes or near by just coming up out of the ground.
Here are some cherry tomatoes that just grew up out of the ground near the compost pile, behind our shed. They got tall and were falling all over the place so we grabbed miscellaneous pies of wood and string to try and hold them all up. That didn't work too well but we had plenty of cherry tomatoes! We had also had a cantaloupe plant growing out of the compost. Unfortunately, the one melon we got from it was disgusting in taste.
2009 Garden - Tomato, cantaloupe and zucchini plants planted in the shelving raised beds. We had to try to keep our backyard chickens out of the veggies. They still got in as they pecked their way through the plastic and they ate up the melons, squashed and destroyed the plants and were an overall menace. The peppers last year gave me only a couple of very tiny rewards. Also, as you can see, Bermuda grass is a horrible weed. It is what our lawn is and it invades with a voracious appetite.
Most of this area got fenced in. It was a mess trying to find scraps to cover and kill the grass. However, in the back, along the fence, you can see several tomato plants along the fence. Lots of green but little to no fruit. What fruit we did get was eaten by birds.
NOTE: Plant tomatoes in FULL SUN. These were too shaded to produce fruit. I've experienced before so I don't know why I thought that location would work for them last year. Will not try that again.
Finally, my loving and darling husband worked with our wonderful sons to build this fence around the garden area to keep the chickens out. The door needed to be finished here and the taller segment will be part of what will be a covered sitting area. Unfortunately, we would later find out that the chickens would find a way in by getting under the shed. This led to another problem with them roaming all of our backyard. Just a couple months ago my husband penned them so we don't have that issue anymore. However, I do have a beautiful garden area to work with now!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Book Review : Thomas Nelson's Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, 3rd Edition
• Colorful maps and charts
• Chronological representation of all books of the Bible
• Short yet concise overview for each book of the Bible
• Easy to use reference book for individual or small group study
• Reproducible maps and charts available for sharing in a large group study
Thomas Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, 3rd edition, met and exceeded my expectations as a handy resource book and possibly a text for a basic Bible Survey course. This book could assist my children, my husband and me in personal study Bible study by providing additional insights and information to go along with the reading of the text.
The layout for each chapter is easy to read and covers information on the following components for each book of the Bible; introduction, authorship, dates, themes and literature structure, the book at a glance (via a chart) and an outline. If the authorship or dating of the book has more than one commonly held school of thought, different views are explained in brief.
Following these consistent points of coverage, each chapter highlights various points for further study. For example, Genesis includes subsections such as; “The Six Days of Creation”, “God’s Creative Work”, “The Garden of Eden”, “Two Adams Contrasted” (Adam of Genesis and Jesus in the New Testament) and “Ages of the Patriarchs”. Ruth includes subtopics called, “From Outsider to Royal Ancestress”, “Ruth-A Foreshadow of Redemption and “A Distinguished Descendant”.
Numerous charts and maps are included throughout the book. You will find maps on the patriarch’s journeys, Jacob’s life, David’s life, David’s kingdom, the return of the Jews from exile and so many more. As far as the charts go, in the book of Hosea there is a chart showing Israel’s relationship with God as depicted in prophecies from Jeremiah and Ezekiel and the similarities with Hosea’s relationship with Gomer. Psalms includes a chart on the images of God referenced. Prior to the coverage for each gospel there is a detailed harmonization of the gospels that covers multiple pages.
Finally, Thomas Nelson also provides free content for some of their books when you purchase them. Apparently this sometimes includes an eBook copy. In the case of this book, ll the maps are provided as free downloads. This free content can be used by your eBook reader (Kindle or Sony Reader) or just downloaded to your computer.
One thing that I really wish was included but wasn’t, however I don’t know of any reference book that does include this, is an alternate possible (and probable) location for Mt. Sinai (search for the movie “Search for the Real Mt. Sinai” to find out what I am referring to). Regardless, this book serves its purpose well. If you are looking for in-depth study, this is not it. If you are looking for a starting point for further study on any book of the Bible, this is a great option. I love how easy it is to use and the fact that introductory coverage is provided for every book of the Bible. The price is right too! Unlike many other reference books found in the Christian bookstores, you probably won’t see this title in the bargain bins anytime soon.
At the time of this review Amazon does not have sample pages posted. If you want to see sample pages you will need to search for the title at
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Uncommon Gratitude
Life can be such a roller coaster can't it? So much is constantly moving around us as we try to keep up with all that is on our plates. We're up, we're down. We get frustrated, anxious and downtrodden when things don't go right and sometimes we complain a little, or a lot.
I was in a normal up and down day with the kids and finishing up another checklist item by getting something put into my mailbox. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I had only taken a few steps to the mailbox. I didn't walk two miles and I didn't have to drive to the post office. I just walked to the end of my driveway. In addition, by simply writing an address and sticking a stamp on an envelope I could leave this object in a box, only a few steps outside my home, and...someone else was going to drive TO MY HOUSE to pick it up and then it would then be taken HUNDREDS OF MILES ACROSS THE NATION on my behalf...for 42 cents! Isn't that truly marvelous?! Seriously, can you consider how much gas money we save by not hand delivering a letter? It's an amazing convenience to have the mail picked up from the comfort of our homes and then delivered to another person's home or place of business for such a nominal fee. That's less than you'd tip someone for bringing you a meal, when you had to go to their place of business to get it!
Hmmm....that seems a bit uncommon to have such a suddenly grateful heart for paying so little to get my letter where it needed to go. What else could I be grateful for that I haven't thought much about before? Water! It comes into my house ready to use and out ready to be cleaned up. Wow...turn the faucet handle and there it is! Thank you Lord for stamps and water!
What else? My husband's passion. Often I'm not very grateful for this because the sharing of ideas puts me into task mode and almost instantly makes me feel burdened. But, I don't have to feel that way. I can, and am, grateful that the Lord has given him a passion to do whatever God has called Him to do. God uses this in many ways to His glory. For that I am extremely grateful.
How about you? What are you uncommonly grateful for? I would love to hear the responses! Let's thank the Lord today for the things we often take forgranted. I'm thinking that a little gratitude can go a long way in evening out the roller coaster of day to day living.
I was in a normal up and down day with the kids and finishing up another checklist item by getting something put into my mailbox. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I had only taken a few steps to the mailbox. I didn't walk two miles and I didn't have to drive to the post office. I just walked to the end of my driveway. In addition, by simply writing an address and sticking a stamp on an envelope I could leave this object in a box, only a few steps outside my home, and...someone else was going to drive TO MY HOUSE to pick it up and then it would then be taken HUNDREDS OF MILES ACROSS THE NATION on my behalf...for 42 cents! Isn't that truly marvelous?! Seriously, can you consider how much gas money we save by not hand delivering a letter? It's an amazing convenience to have the mail picked up from the comfort of our homes and then delivered to another person's home or place of business for such a nominal fee. That's less than you'd tip someone for bringing you a meal, when you had to go to their place of business to get it!
Hmmm....that seems a bit uncommon to have such a suddenly grateful heart for paying so little to get my letter where it needed to go. What else could I be grateful for that I haven't thought much about before? Water! It comes into my house ready to use and out ready to be cleaned up. Wow...turn the faucet handle and there it is! Thank you Lord for stamps and water!
What else? My husband's passion. Often I'm not very grateful for this because the sharing of ideas puts me into task mode and almost instantly makes me feel burdened. But, I don't have to feel that way. I can, and am, grateful that the Lord has given him a passion to do whatever God has called Him to do. God uses this in many ways to His glory. For that I am extremely grateful.
How about you? What are you uncommonly grateful for? I would love to hear the responses! Let's thank the Lord today for the things we often take forgranted. I'm thinking that a little gratitude can go a long way in evening out the roller coaster of day to day living.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Book Review : Living Life in the Zone : A 40-Day Spiritual Game Plan by Kyle Rote Jr. & Dr. Joe Pettigrew
Living Life in the Zone is an easy to read book that provides short snippets of encouragement and challenges to men in a number of aspects of daily living. These are provided as short chapters utilizing various sports analogies and terms that should make the information easily relatable and readable for many men. For those who are put off by the thought of a heavy study in theology, yet recognize their need for personal spiritual growth, this book may fit their needs and may even provide a spring board for further study, prayer and growth.
Though I am not a sports fan, or male, I find that the regular format used for each chapter will really help to draw in many men who otherwise would not pick up a non-fiction book. Most chapters are about 6-8 pages in length and provide an appropriate introduction to each topic followed by scripture to support the message, examples from other lives (mostly prominent sports figures) and personal challenges for further introspection.
When first provided with the opportunity to read this book, courtesy of Thomas Nelson’s BookSneeze review program, my initial reaction was that it would be a book filled with little more than words on paper. However, I have come to find great value in this book and believe it has a purpose that could serve to minister to the hearts of many men. My prayer is that it would speak to men in such a way as to inspire them towards further study and growth with their Lord. In fact, I hope that it will be made available in an affordable audio CD solution so that those who are resistant to reading or strained for time will be able to benefit from the guidance and direction offered by Mr. Rote and Dr. Pettigrew.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Finding Balance : Goals vs Expectations
One of the wisest things I think I have ever read from somewhere other than the Bible was (I think) from Teri Maxwell in her book "Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit". She was talking about training our children and she talked about how our expectations should not be the same as our goals. Our expectations are what we expect out of our children as they are trained towards the goals. Whoa. That really hit home for me.
I am a driven person and often feel like everything within my children is intent on fighting against me in achieving and accomplishing what I want done. (oops, doesn't sound too good does it?) I have high expectations for them in many areas of life, often too high. They are too high when those expectations are at the same height as my goals for them and thus become unrealistic. Don't they need room to grow from, for example, having no idea how to clean a room to keeping it tidy and organized? Isn't there a learning process that involves failure and trying again? Somehow I too often forget that they are human and sinful, that they are children and maturing, and that they need lots and lots of training to reach a goal. More than anything, I forget that they need grace from me, just as I receive it from the Lord. This occurs on a daily basis. May I do the same for my children.
It's a tough balancing act isn't it? Discipline, training, grace...parenting. Phew. In a constant desire to find balance I find myself swinging from one end to another, but to remain in the middle would be to become stagnant.
Oh Lord, please help me to more patient and to wisely discern proper expectations for my children as I train them towards wisely discerned goals in all aspects of life. Help me to show firmness and swift action when necessary and grace and forgiveness when appropriate. May my children learn more about you as I live my life to glorify You. - Amen
I am a driven person and often feel like everything within my children is intent on fighting against me in achieving and accomplishing what I want done. (oops, doesn't sound too good does it?) I have high expectations for them in many areas of life, often too high. They are too high when those expectations are at the same height as my goals for them and thus become unrealistic. Don't they need room to grow from, for example, having no idea how to clean a room to keeping it tidy and organized? Isn't there a learning process that involves failure and trying again? Somehow I too often forget that they are human and sinful, that they are children and maturing, and that they need lots and lots of training to reach a goal. More than anything, I forget that they need grace from me, just as I receive it from the Lord. This occurs on a daily basis. May I do the same for my children.
It's a tough balancing act isn't it? Discipline, training, grace...parenting. Phew. In a constant desire to find balance I find myself swinging from one end to another, but to remain in the middle would be to become stagnant.
Oh Lord, please help me to more patient and to wisely discern proper expectations for my children as I train them towards wisely discerned goals in all aspects of life. Help me to show firmness and swift action when necessary and grace and forgiveness when appropriate. May my children learn more about you as I live my life to glorify You. - Amen
Monday, January 4, 2010
Our Christmas & New Year's Vacation (at home)
There are so many times I have all these great ideas to blog and by the time I can sit in front of the computer, POOF, those squirrely ideas have wandered off into the great abyss. Rarely do any land on a shelf and wait for possible rescue. In fact there are about six on a shelf now that are nearly ready to dive farther into the deep unknown never to be retreived again. Sigh...
Perhaps I can at least take a a few minutes to share some of the highlights of the last couple of weeks, beginning with Christmas. We didn't have family in town and we weren't to have my step-son, Christian, until noon the day after Christmas. I was really thankful to be home and relaxing with the family on Christmas Day. We had invited others to join us but none of them could attend. So, we still had a large breakfast of crust less quiche (oh my goodness...truly the finest breakfast I have ever had) and sticky buns. I managed a full turkey dinner with parmesan mashed potatoes, green beans roasted with olive oil and seasoning, home made stuffing and gravy. Yum!
The children requested that gifts arrive Christmas morning despite the fact that they couldn't open them for a day and a half. Tanner and Riley were up before 5 AM taking a look and cuddling up near the tree and fireplace in a blanket. The children knew they could open stockings once everyone was up. Daimeian and I got up around 6 and woke up Liana so the boys wouldn't have to wait any longer. Liana and Riley were each given a requested Webkinz in their stocking. Riley's was a clown fish. As he held his stocking with the fish sticking out of it, he proclaimed "I got a clownfish!!" He then immediately proceeded to look into the eyes of the fish and in a much deeper voice commanded the fish... "Tell me a joke." Of course we all laughed pretty hard.
On Christmas Day Daimeian had to drive to San Antonio to pick up Christian. The children were all very ready to open gifts as soon as he got here. I think the most memorable moment for me was when Riley gave Liana his present. He had it under the tree for a couple of weeks already and was so proud of it. I had previously let Liana know that it was something he came up with all on his own and not to expect too much. She did such a great job in her reaction. At first she looked with a scrunched up face, "What in the world?". Then she pulled out a black plastic hangar and a stick and was still confused. Riley replied in all seriousness, "What? It's a bow and arrow." Another moment with plenty of family laughter. :) I love that.
A couple days later we all headed to Goldthwaite to spend time with our friends in their beautiful family cabin. We love hanging out with them and we love going to the cabin! Tyler came with a friend for the first night and then they left. Tanner had a friend with us and Liana and Riley play constantly with our friend's daughters. Daimeian and Christian were set on hunting a deer and I enjoyed time to read, clean out email on my laptop and just relax.
After three nights and sights on several deer, the guys still hadn't gotten a good shot. We thought about leaving Friday night but they wanted to try one more time Saturday morning. Christian shot one around 7 AM and they tracked it for SIX hours! Finally, the guys all came in and ate and rested a bit then Daimeian and Christian went back out. We had been packed and ready to go for awhile now inside the cabin, waiting for the guys to be done while the guys waited for a deer. I'd been praying every day for a the guys to get at least one deer. The whole time I had this feeling that God was going to show Himself in control in some way. I prayed that God would use the experience to speak to my boys, even if we didn't come home with a deer.
In the deer blind Daimeian and Christian prayed around 5 PM for a deer. A few minutes later they saw a baby doe. They chuckled and someone stated that that must be God's sense of humor. Christian urged D' to pray more specifically. So they did and only a few minutes after that came the perfect deer for them! Christian shot it in the heart and it was down quickly. This was at 6:05 PM and it was already getting dark. We still needed it loaded in the car and I had had the car packed already, including our coolers full of food and other items and at the bottom of everything. The guys gutted it in the dark and Tanner and I rearranged the packing to fit the deer in a cooler. We were on our way out from the cabin just after 8 PM!
On the way home Christian asked Daimeian, "Where did that deer come from anyway?" As usual, the child we don't give thought to as being one to pay attention (Riley), speaks up and answers for Daimeian. "Heaven."
Perhaps I can at least take a a few minutes to share some of the highlights of the last couple of weeks, beginning with Christmas. We didn't have family in town and we weren't to have my step-son, Christian, until noon the day after Christmas. I was really thankful to be home and relaxing with the family on Christmas Day. We had invited others to join us but none of them could attend. So, we still had a large breakfast of crust less quiche (oh my goodness...truly the finest breakfast I have ever had) and sticky buns. I managed a full turkey dinner with parmesan mashed potatoes, green beans roasted with olive oil and seasoning, home made stuffing and gravy. Yum!
The children requested that gifts arrive Christmas morning despite the fact that they couldn't open them for a day and a half. Tanner and Riley were up before 5 AM taking a look and cuddling up near the tree and fireplace in a blanket. The children knew they could open stockings once everyone was up. Daimeian and I got up around 6 and woke up Liana so the boys wouldn't have to wait any longer. Liana and Riley were each given a requested Webkinz in their stocking. Riley's was a clown fish. As he held his stocking with the fish sticking out of it, he proclaimed "I got a clownfish!!" He then immediately proceeded to look into the eyes of the fish and in a much deeper voice commanded the fish... "Tell me a joke." Of course we all laughed pretty hard.
On Christmas Day Daimeian had to drive to San Antonio to pick up Christian. The children were all very ready to open gifts as soon as he got here. I think the most memorable moment for me was when Riley gave Liana his present. He had it under the tree for a couple of weeks already and was so proud of it. I had previously let Liana know that it was something he came up with all on his own and not to expect too much. She did such a great job in her reaction. At first she looked with a scrunched up face, "What in the world?". Then she pulled out a black plastic hangar and a stick and was still confused. Riley replied in all seriousness, "What? It's a bow and arrow." Another moment with plenty of family laughter. :) I love that.
A couple days later we all headed to Goldthwaite to spend time with our friends in their beautiful family cabin. We love hanging out with them and we love going to the cabin! Tyler came with a friend for the first night and then they left. Tanner had a friend with us and Liana and Riley play constantly with our friend's daughters. Daimeian and Christian were set on hunting a deer and I enjoyed time to read, clean out email on my laptop and just relax.
After three nights and sights on several deer, the guys still hadn't gotten a good shot. We thought about leaving Friday night but they wanted to try one more time Saturday morning. Christian shot one around 7 AM and they tracked it for SIX hours! Finally, the guys all came in and ate and rested a bit then Daimeian and Christian went back out. We had been packed and ready to go for awhile now inside the cabin, waiting for the guys to be done while the guys waited for a deer. I'd been praying every day for a the guys to get at least one deer. The whole time I had this feeling that God was going to show Himself in control in some way. I prayed that God would use the experience to speak to my boys, even if we didn't come home with a deer.
In the deer blind Daimeian and Christian prayed around 5 PM for a deer. A few minutes later they saw a baby doe. They chuckled and someone stated that that must be God's sense of humor. Christian urged D' to pray more specifically. So they did and only a few minutes after that came the perfect deer for them! Christian shot it in the heart and it was down quickly. This was at 6:05 PM and it was already getting dark. We still needed it loaded in the car and I had had the car packed already, including our coolers full of food and other items and at the bottom of everything. The guys gutted it in the dark and Tanner and I rearranged the packing to fit the deer in a cooler. We were on our way out from the cabin just after 8 PM!
On the way home Christian asked Daimeian, "Where did that deer come from anyway?" As usual, the child we don't give thought to as being one to pay attention (Riley), speaks up and answers for Daimeian. "Heaven."
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