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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Previously from the Happy Healthy Homemaker....

Why Happy, Healthy, Homemaker?

Well, some of that should seem obvious right? Maybe, maybe not. Let me just start by telling you that I am not always happy! However, I am grateful for a Lord who loves me and carries me through daily struggles and stresses. With His help and His peace and the joy He gives me in my heart, I can get back to happiness when I'm not.

Happy? Because it is my goal to be a happy person to be around as a result of God's love and peace within me. I want to live a life that glorifies Him and when I'm not happy, well, it's time for His hand to lift me up AGAIN.

Healthy? Well, I'm not always healthy either! Getting regular exercise is a real challenge for me. Pies, cookies and sweet treats call out to me. However, for those who know me, you know I am always learning more about ways to help our family to be more healthy through food and in our environment.

We certainly are not strictly organic in our eating and we do not avoid all sugar, however, I am trying to do so more and more. As much as possible I am finding ways to make it economical and feasible to make our eating and living healthier. It is my belief that we are to honor the Lord with our bodies and that we have been given the task of taking care of the planet that He has given us. As Psalm 115:16 tells us, "The heavens are the Lord's heavens, but the earth he has given to the children of man." and in Genesis we hear God say to Adam and Eve "“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

And at last...homemaker. Yes, a care taker at home. Taking care of husband, children, house and all that that entails. Again in Genesis we find, "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for[1] him.”

Lord, I ask you to help me to be a good homemaker for my husband. May my life be glorifying to you in all I do. May my words and deeds serve my family well and therby give you glory.

OK, now with that said and I am ready to begin! It is my goal to use this blog as a way to capture the things I am learning with regards to cooking, baking, gardening, being a godly wife and mother and all things homemaking. For specific comments on recipes tried, please check out

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