Sigh... The first picture shows some of my pots. These are a variety of herbs. Texas Pink Skullcap, Echincacea (just starting to grow after planting last year), spearmint, pepperment, French Thyme, Lemon Thyme, Sage and Oregano. My basil is still being transported in and out of the house to keep it going until it is warm enough to keep it outside at night.
Nothing fancy here yet. I took two old barrel style pots I had that are really made out of foam and are cracking, some new but faded pots from Ross's or Marshall's (I hope to paint these in the future) and large bean pots from HEB and loaded these with lava rock on the bottom and Lady Bug's Vortex Potting Soil. Then I filled most of the pots with varieties of tomatoes. I have a couple tomatillo plants growing and a few peppers, but some of these plants have completeley STALLED in their growth. Ugh. I've tried Thrive, Garrett Juice and Plant Wash on these and haven't seen much change yet. Perhaps as the weather gets warmer this situation will change.
Still to do... pick up mulch or free paving stones to place around the pots so that the grass growth doesn't become a nightmare around them.